Difference Between Invisalign and Traditional Braces

February 2, 2024

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Where can I find Invisalign Fort Lauderdale?

Traditional Braces versus Invisalign


To begin with, traditional metal braces are irremovable, meaning they always stay in place. In contrast, Invisalign is removable. They can be popped in or out very similar to a retainer.The former is ideal for patients who tend to be forgetful or those who will worry about losing their Invisalign trays. However, because the latter can be removed, it goes without saying they are easier to clean.Although cleaning traditional metal braces are generally easy, it requires other dental tools to get in between your teeth. Alternatively, all you need to clean Invisalign is to the trays, soak the aligners in water, and brush your teeth normally as you would at any other point in your life.


The treatment time of Invisalign will depend on the severity of the misaligned teeth. Each case is unique and involves a customized treatment plan. Moreover, patients who have severe and complicated dental issues are advised to choose metal braces because of the lack of removability.When it comes to traditional metal braces, the treatment time may last from a few months to many years. Again, it all depends on the severity of your unique case.

Where can I find Invisalign Fort Lauderdale?

Follow Up Visits for Traditional Braces and Invisalign Fort Lauderdale Adjustments

Generally, every patient should visit the dentist fairly often for regular check-ups. However, a substantial majority of patients only visit the dentist when there is a dental issue.Whether you opted for traditional braces or Invisalign, you’ll be required to set an appointment with your orthodontist very often for adjustments and evaluations of progress.If you want to know about the corrective dental treatment that best suits you, contact 1500 Dental to know more information![/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]