First Braces Appointment

February 2, 2024

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Where can I get Braces 33304?

Steps Taken During an Initial Appointment

Your Teeth’s Condition Will Be Examined

If you’re hoping for a one and done deal, we are sorry to disappoint. During your first appointment, your dentist will examine and assess the condition of your teeth. They will determine whether braces are the best restorative solution for you.Once you're found to be a good candidate for braces, your dentist will explain the cost, estimated treatment period, and other matters related to your treatment. However, always remember that each case is unique, so the information you receive may be different from what you expect.

Separators and Bands

Before your braces are put on, your dentist may suggest separators or bands. If it is needed, separators, or spacers, will be attached between your back molars. These spacers will remain to your teeth until your dentist specifies otherwise. Typically, it is only until your next appointment.Then, bands may be placed into the spaces created by the separators. However, if bands are not necessary, the braces may be attached at this time.

Take Note of the Aftercare Tips

As soon as you have your braces, your dentist will recommend aftercare tips customized to the status of your teeth. For instance, they may advise you to avoid hard or chewy foods during the first week of your treatment.It may take a few weeks for you to adjust to your new braces. So, expect some discomfort during these days.One of the most common aftercare tips when wearing braces is to regularly and properly brush your teeth. Despite being the most important tip, it is often neglected. If this is neglected, you may end up with stains on your teeth when the braces are removed.

Where can I get Braces 33304?

Learn More About Braces 33304 Appointments

Aside from these steps taken during your initial appointments, having braces requires continued effort to keep them clean and beautiful. Contact 1500 Dental to learn more![/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]