Understanding Dental Calculus

May 5, 2022

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Learning about Dental Calculus is Important

What is it?

Even if you regularly brush and floss your teeth, you’ll still have bacteria in your mouth. Once these bacteria interact with proteins and food particles, it results in dental plaque. This plaque is attached to the surface of your teeth, sticks to your enamel, and gets under your gum line. When the plaque is not removed, it may interact with the minerals in your saliva. Then, a crystal-like substance typically forms and becomes dental calculus.Dental calculus is rough in texture and is often found below and above your gum line. When you have this, it may be difficult for you to brush your teeth. As a result, you could become prone to cavities and tooth decay. Furthermore, when dental calculus accumulates, pockets will form between your gum and teeth. By this time, you’ll need to seek help from a dentist because you probably already have periodontitis.

How to Remove Dental Calculus?

Newly accumulated plaque can simply be removed by regular brushing. But once it develops into dental calculus, it will be incredibly difficult for you to remove without going to the dentist. You may have to schedule an appointment with your dentist. Unfortunately, tartar buildup is most thoroughly removed by using sharp dental instruments.

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What Happens after a Dentist in Fort Lauderdale Removes your Dental Calculus?

After the removal of tartar, your dentist will smoothen your teeth’s surface so that more tartar and plaque can be avoided in the future. Aside from periodontitis, dental calculus can also lower your self-confidence because it results in brown or yellow-colored stains. Moreover, if not treated in time, it can also lead to bad breath.To avoid having bad breath, yellow or brown teeth, or developing a periodontitis condition, contact 1500 Dental to schedule for a dental cleaning![/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]