What is Scaling and Root Planing?

March 5, 2024

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Who is the best Periodontist Fort Lauderdale?

All you Need to Know About Scaling and Root Planing

What is it?

Scaling and root planing is often conducted using both hand and ultrasonic instrumentation. Furthermore, periodontists use dental scalers and curettes to penetrate the affected areas. Dental calculus and bacteria plaque are removed from teeth and in spots below and above your gum line.To guarantee that the treatment is a success, you will be required to re-visit your dentist after four weeks from your treatment. Thankfully, undergoing scaling and root planing mean that you can eliminate several periodontal pockets and keep a healthy smile.

What are the Benefits?

Deep cleaning includes the removal of bacterial poison, bacterial plaque, and tartar. Likewise, it can eliminate diseased cementum, which is the outer covering of the root surface. This treatment aims to prevent contamination and decrease periodontal pockets so that your body’s immune system can handle future problems.Every periodontist’s goal is to perform treatments that guarantee long-term results. They aim to stop disease progression, risk of infection, reduce swelling and development of periodontal pockets.

Who is the best Periodontist Fort Lauderdale?

Where to Find the Best Periodontist in Fort Lauderdale

Even in more complex periodontitis conditions, scaling and root planing are essential to prepare the gum tissue and teeth before any surgical treatments may be performed. Therefore, at 1500 Dental, we make sure that our dental treatments, including scaling and root planing, will enhance your gum tissue and teeth' overall health. Likewise, our team carefully evaluates a patient’s ability to recover so we can plan other dental treatments, if necessary. With us, your dental health will never be compromised.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]