Why See a Prosthodontist?

February 9, 2024

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Why see a Prosthodontist Fort Lauderdale?

Choosing a Prosthodontist Can Make a Huge Difference

What is Prosthodontics?

First things first, before availing of the services of a prosthodontist, it’s important to know exactly what this entails. Otherwise known as prosthetic dentistry, prosthodontics is one of the nine dental specialties acknowledged by the American Dental Association. Experts in this field replace, restore, or diagnose teeth as a result of an injury or infection.

What Is the Difference Between a Prosthodontist And a General Dentist?

Prosthodontists undergo additional study and education beyond a degree in dentistry. Therefore, if you are looking for someone to extensively handle your complex dental issues, looking for a prosthodontist is going to be a good start. They can recommend multifaceted treatments to help you achieve comprehensive dental health and a fresh, beautiful smile.

Why Choose a Prosthodontist?

Patients often choose prosthodontists because of their advanced training and education. Furthermore, their expertise in innovative technology and efficiency in dealing with complex dental problems assures you that you’re in good hands.

Why see a Prosthodontist Fort Lauderdale?

Redesign your Smile by Choosing a Prosthodontist in Fort Lauderdale

Unconventional deterioration of a patient’s teeth often leads to issues outside of the damaged tooth structure. While general dentists’ function as the architect of an oral treatment plan, collaboration with other specialists like prosthodontists can help achieve a complete and successful treatment.At 1500 Dental, your dental health is our priority. To achieve this goal, we see to it that we use only advanced dental technology and techniques to offer you safe and effective results. Also, our team includes different specialists such as an orthodontist, prosthodontist, and oral and maxillofacial surgeons.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]