Your Ultimate Guide to Cleaning Your Invisalign® Aligners

If you've started correcting your crooked teeth with Invisalign in Fort Lauderdale, you're on the right path! You have bravely taken the first step in transforming your smile into something more beautiful. You may know how Invisalign works, but do you know how to care for your invisible aligners? If you aren't sure, here are three tips for you.

3 Tips to Keep Your Aligners Clean
Clean Both Teeth and Invisalign Trays Upon Waking Up
While you sleep, a lot of bacteria can build up in your mouth. That's why the first thing you should do is remove your aligners and clean them. You must clean your teeth as well before putting your trays back. Brushing your teeth and your aligners before going to bed also helps.
Wash Your Aligners Every Time You Remove Them
One thing you shouldn't forget is rinsing your aligners with cold water every time you remove them. Do this to wash away the dried saliva that your trays accumulated. Your trays shouldn't be left in the open and instead be kept in a handy case to maintain good oral hygiene. Rinsing your trays with warm water can bend them out of shape, causing discomfort.
Always Brush Your Teeth Before Replacing Your Aligners
Ideally, your trays shouldn't be removed even when you eat or drink. However, removing them and placing them back after you eat your comfort requires being more cautious. Doing so makes you more prone to trapping food particles in your trays, leading to cavities and other dental issues later. It should be your routine to clean your teeth thoroughly before replacing your aligners.

Are You Planning to Get Invisalign in Fort Lauderdale?
Transforming your smile is made more comfortable and more accessible here at 1500 Dental. Our team of skilled dental professionals is adept at providing high-quality dental services. Start your journey to a better smile now by setting your appointment! *Invisalign®, the Invisalign logo, and iTero®, among others, are trademarks and/ or service marks of Align Technology, Inc. or one of its subsidiaries or affiliated companies and may be registered in the U.S. and/or other countries.