Dentures Fort Lauderdale | What to Expect When Getting Dentures

June 13, 2024

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Dentures on the First Day

The first day is the hardest because your gums may still be a little sore as a result of the extraction (if you had some teeth pulled out). Your dentist will usually prescribe painkillers and antibiotics. It is important that you take them religiously. On the first day, you are not allowed to take your dentures off. Your dentist should be the one to remove them during the second day when you return for another appointment. You will be placed on a soft diet on the first day.

Wearing Dentures on the Second to Fourteenth Days

This is the healing period and discomfort is expected. Within this time frame, you are expected to make regular visits to your dentist for further adjustments. It usually takes a series of adjustments to achieve the perfect fit. You will be placed on a soft diet still.

Wearing Dentures on the Fifteenth Day and Onwards

After fifteen days saliva secretion will go back to normal and all sore spots are expected to heal. Some patients will still have difficult chewing and speaking but this will improve over time. Don’t worry because your dentist will be with you all throughout the adjustment phase to make your transition smooth and easy. You must clean your dentures at least twice a day and soak them in tablets once a week to keep them in tiptop shape.

what are dentures fort lauderdale?

Need Dentures Fort Lauderdale?

Losing your teeth can be daunting but with the help of dentures Fort Lauderdale, you will feel like your old self after you have completed the adjustment period. It is important to mention that dentures not only improve your smile but they also enhance your dental health. Dentures are both beautiful and functional. At 1500 Dental, we provide personalized, high-quality dental care to help improve your oral health and your smile. Call us today for an appointment or visit our site to learn more about our services.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]