Invisalign Fort Lauderdale | How to Straighten Teeth Without Braces

June 13, 2024

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What Causes Crooked Teeth

There are several reasons why teeth become crooked. Permanent teeth can come in crooked or can become crooked. Baby teeth as well can become crooked because they’re too small to fill the amount of gums space allocated to them. Prolonged habits such as mouth breathing, tongue thrusting, and bottle use, thumb-sucking and sucking on a pacifier can cause baby teeth to become crooked. Genetics and heredity are also a huge factor.

What’s the Connection Between Your Jaw and Crooked Teeth?

Our modern diet of soft foods requires less chewing than those consumed by our early ancestors. The change of diet has altered our collective jaw size making it smaller. Scientists believe that our smaller jaw may be responsible for crooked, crowded, and misaligned teeth.

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Ready for a Change? Get Invisalign Fort Lauderdale!

If you are tired of seeing that crooked teeth every time you face the mirror, then you should consider getting Invisalign Fort Lauderdale. For more information contact our 1500 Dental office for a consultation.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]