What to Expect from IV Sedation Dentistry

April 17, 2024

IV sedation allows anxious patients to achieve a state of serenity while receiving much-needed dental care. Dental sedation, also known as twilight sedation or conscious sedation, is a technique that allows patients to forget about their worries long enough to undergo a dental procedure. At 1500 Dental, we attempt to make every visit as pleasant as possible for our patients with sedation dentistry 33304.

Sedation Dentistry 33304

What to Expect from IV Sedation Dentistry

Is Twilight Sedation a Good Option for Me?

Sedation dentistry is useful to anyone afraid of going to the dentist or receiving dental treatment – especially patients who have had previous oral traumas. Patients who have limited pain tolerance, are fidgety, or have a strong gag reflex can also benefit from IV sedation.When patients require difficult procedures, IV sedation may be administered. If the process is very long or complex, it makes it much easier for both the patient and the dentist.

How Will You Feel?

You will feel sleepy and possibly lightheaded once the sedative has taken effect. During the operation, you may drift in and out of a dreamy condition. While you may appear to be sleeping, you are not, and if someone asks you to do something, you will most likely be able to reply.

How Do You Determine If Sedation is Right for You?

If you have dread going to the dentist, talk to your dentist about your sedation options. They will ask you a few questions about your medical history to see if you have any risk factors.

Sedation Dentistry 33304

Think You Might Need Sedation Dentistry in 33304?

When you visit 1500 Dental, you will no longer be terrified of any dental operation. Our team of professionals has years of experience in the field of dentistry and can assist you along your dental journey. Contact us to schedule an appointment.